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Elon Musk rubbisheslong-standing rumours that he grew up rich


rubbish [ˈrʌbɪʃ] 驳斥91Honey苹果版,嘲笑或贬低某物为毫无价值或质量差的

👉 to criticize or dismiss something as worthless or of poor quality.

⭐He rubbished the claims made by his opponents during the debate.( 他在辩论中驳斥了对手的说法91Honey苹果版。)

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Billionaire Elon Musk on Sunday, creditedhis father for teaching him the fundamentals of “physics, engineering and construction”.


credit [ˈkrɛdɪt] 归功于

👉to ascribe or acknowledge a particular quality or achievement to someone.


⭐They credit their success to hard work and perseverance.( 他们将成功归功于努力工作和毅力91Honey苹果版。)

The world’s second richest man said that the teaching of his father Errol Musk, a South African retired electromechanical engineer, “is more valuable than money”.


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Musk, who owns several companies like Twitter, Tesla and SpaceX said that he has not “ inheritedanything ever from anyone”, quashing the long-running rumour which claims his father owns an emeraldmine in South Africa and that he had given him financial assistance.


inherit [ɪnˈhɛrɪt] 继承

👉to receive money, property, or a title as an heir at the death of the previous holder.

⭐She will inherit her grandfather's estate when he passes away.( 当她祖父去世时,她将继承他的财产91Honey苹果版。)

emerald [ˈɛmərəld] 祖母绿;一种颜色浓郁的宝石

👉a precious stone of rich green color.

⭐She wore a beautiful necklace adorned with emeralds.( 她戴着一条镶有祖母绿的漂亮项链91Honey苹果版。)

Errol Musk had claimed in an interview that he used emeralds from an “under the table” mine in Zambia to financehis son’s escape from South Africa to the US.


finance [faɪˈnæns] 为项目或活动提供资金;管理或筹集资金

👉to provide funds for a project or an activity; to manage or secure funds for.

⭐The company will finance the construction of a new factory.( 公司将为新工厂的建设提供资金91Honey苹果版。)


Musk said nobody has provided him with “a large financial gift” and that his father did not support him “financially after high school in any meaningful way”.


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Instead, Musk and his brother had to financially support their father after his small electrical/mechanical engineering company “fell on hard times”, making him “essentially bankruptfor about 25 years”.


bankrupt [ˈbæŋkrʌpt] 破产的;宣告无力偿还债务的

👉having been declared insolvent or unable to pay debts.

⭐The company went bankrupt due to poor financial management.( 由于糟糕的财务管理,该公司破产了91Honey苹果版。)

He again denied the existence of the emerald mine. Earlier this month, he also tweeted: “I will pay a million Dogecoin for proof of this mine’s existence!”



acknowledge: Acknowledge means to recognize or admit the existence, truth, or validity of something. It involves giving credit or recognition to someone for their contribution, achievement, or influence.


attribute: Attribute means to regard something as being caused by or the result of a particular person, thing, or factor. It involves assigning credit or responsibility to someone or something for a certain outcome or characteristic.


recognize: Recognize means to acknowledge or identify someone or something as being known or previously encountered. It involves giving credit or acknowledgement to someone for their achievements, qualities, or contributions.



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